Predictive Analysis with AI Integration.

We strive for predictive analytics solutions that are holistic, effective, and impactful. We begin by aggregating your data from everywhere we can find it — customers, vendors, suppliers — and using statistics and the science of probability to turn it into actionable business intelligence. From there, we contextualize each data point (a product SKU, a vehicle, a customer, an employee, a machine, etc.) to a broader dataset so that you can understand the patterns and trends occurring within your business. With that foundation in place, we can apply predictive analytics to measure credit risk, detect fraud, predict product sales, provide better healthcare, or design the specific solution your industry needs. The possibilities are virtually limitless!

Why Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics consulting encompasses an array of methods that can accomplish a variety of business intelligence tasks by leveraging the data that you already have.

Combining multiple analytics methods can improve pattern detection, identify criminal behavior and prevent fraud. As cybersecurity becomes a growing concern, high-performance behavioral analytics examines all actions on a network in real time to spot abnormalities that may indicate fraud, zero-day vulnerabilities and advanced persistent threats.

Predictive analytics are used to determine customer responses or purchases, as well as promote cross-sell opportunities. Predictive models help businesses attract, retain and grow their most profitable customers. 

Many companies use predictive models to forecast inventory and manage resources. Airlines use predictive analytics to set ticket prices. Hotels try to predict the number of guests for any given night to maximize occupancy and increase revenue. Predictive analytics enables organizations to function more efficiently.

Credit scores are used to assess a buyer’s likelihood of default for purchases and are a well-known example of predictive analytics. A credit score is a number generated by a predictive model that incorporates all data relevant to a person’s creditworthiness. Other risk-related uses include insurance claims and collections.

Our areas of expertise


Drug stockout prevention
Workforce load prediction
EHR analytics


Customer analysis
Churn prediction
Demand forecasting


Payment fee analytics
Credit scoring
Fraud detection


Predictive maintenance
Carbon emissions
Warranty reserve estimation

Data-to-Intelligence Process

Achieve unprecedented business gains working hand in hand with our predictive analytics company

Step 1

Discover, gather and clean up all your raw and unintelligent company data.

Step 2

Review data and assign tags that accurately describe its content.

Step 3

Apply statistical modeling methods to predict future outcomes.

Step 4

Present our findings to your business and execs for decision making.

Predictive Analysis Tools & Techniques

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 Analyzing data for key elements that can be used to predict an outcome. Sometimes, it’s a “Yes-or-No” type of outcome (Will a customer make a purchase?). Other times, it’s more specific (Exactly how much will a customer spend?).



Reviewing historical data and using it to predict out into the future. These forecasts are the result of sophisticated statistical models that take into account trends, as well as seasonal fluctuations.



Mathematically grouping similar individuals by common characteristics, also referred to as cluster analysis. The results can be surprisingly valuable, especially when highlighting a group that may have been historically overlooked.


Machine Learning

Using data to detect patterns and adjust program actions. Wide array of business applications, from data mining for new insights, to simulation testing for website click streams, and beyond.


Text analysis

 Offering companies the opportunity to turn petabytes worth of text into predicted sentiment about a range of topics and products, including the ability to leverage social listening via social media outlets.

Want to make better predictions?

Take the guesswork out of your company’s performance with real data science and support.